At first I thought "these Sudanese folks...crazy people!" But then I was thinking about it very deeply and I thought to myself, I think they were right in reacting so harshly. I mean...setting aside the "Muhammad" naming, teddy bears are just pure evil. Those beady eyes. That smug look on their faces. It's obvious that they're out to get us. We should be very afraid.Officials at Unity High School where Gibbons taught say she was teaching her 7-year-old students about animals and asked one of them in September to bring in her teddy bear. Gibbons then asked the students to pick names for the bear and they voted to name it Muhammad.
Each student then took the bear for a weekend to write a diary entry about what they did with the bear, and the entries were compiled into a book with the bear’s photo on the cover and the title “My Name is Muhammad,” in what teachers in Britain said was a common exercise to involve pupils.
Also, I think anyone who owns a teddy bear should be destroyed.