Sunday, May 29, 2005


My little sister, who loves me very much, wrote this to me today: Repugnant sister, I hate you so much that every day I almost rip my hair out considering you are still alive. Whenever I hear your uninviting name, I hurl as I conceptualize your displeasing face into my memory. When you return to our household, your discourteous appearance makes me weak-kneed. I consistently assume to myself that you will recuperate, but never. All I can verbalize is, stay away from me. Your pulchritudinous sister, Nusa


Anonymous said...

What the hell? Isn't she, like, 5?

Asmaa said...

No, she's 12.
ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mashallah @ the language used :eek: :D

Squeeky said...

Assalaamu Alaikum :D
awww so much love! haha

btw ... thanks to you i finally got a pic! the other method i was using was not working *grr* ... thanks

Nauman said...

Literary talents must run in the family it seems... and it's even more impressive considering that your sister is only 12...

I'll paraphrase Habiba since her comment was most appropriate: "OUCH".

Asmaa said...

My response was thus:

I posted it on my blog and then proceeded to be depressed for several days.
Just kidding...actually I found it rather hilarious. So I laughed.