Tuesday, September 13, 2005

First day of school

Patch of green on the highway grows yellow flowers delicate in my open palm bashful smooth discarded after moments, after a few tender strokes against my lips.


AP said...

Hey how did you manage to add that spam blocker to your comments?

AP said...

Why thank you Asmaa for that speedy reply.

btw, I wanted to add, I see a lot of attempts at depth and profound poetic words, but most of them are bullshit.

but the one you've got on this post is beautiful, the one about the yellow flower which represents the desi fob boy's dil.

Anonymous said...

after a few tender strokes
against my lips.


1st sugarcanes now this, wat's next?

AP said...


Are you in the Engineering Physics program at U of Waterloo?

Squeeky said...

Assalaamu Alaikum! :D

Aww ... how very sweet ... *sniff*

G'luck with first day! It's going pretty good with me, alhamdulillah. I missed school :S aww the hustle and bustle

Asmaa said...

ap, Thank you. Why would you think the yellow flower represents the "desi fob boy's dil"?

dj, I don't eat flowers - although I'm sure they would taste interesting.

Anonymous said...

im the last to comment :(
nice poem though :D

Anonymous said...

Where's the falafel post?

Asmaa said...

no worries "anonymous," it's coming. You know, I really don't know who you are. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Trying 2 see Seabreeze's blog, by incorrectly spelling the address, took me to Romance Lover's blog

A post

The definition of "woman"

element name: "woman"



atom mass:50kg standard,may change
between 40-90kg

appearance:99.99%are same

Physical properties
1.surface covered with skin oil.
2.boiling point is uncertainly.
3.suddenly react to freezing point
4.melting if got some caring.
5.spicy and bitten if use them wrong way.
6.change to any status from solid to liquid.

Chemical properties
1.acid taste,sweet than saccharine ,or sweet~sour.
2.rapidly react with diamond,gold,ruby,flower,and the beauty.

3.may bomb without emergency sign.
4.can dissolve money when walk pass the shop.
5.not compatible with fat.

1.maintain human specy.
2.make brightful world.
3.weight the half of the world.

Modest Hijabi said...

Assalamualaikum Asma, good stuff :)

elysium said...

How would you get flowers from the highway in your palms? I'm intrigued.

Anonymous said...

salaam nerdo :D jummah mubarak! :D

Borges said...

I love the wildflowers that grow in the median strips and on the side in the summer :-)