Monday, May 22, 2006

Blast from the Past

I have this habit of volunteering at my old elementary school. Hey, it looks good on my resume: "worked with special needs children" (all the kids in that school seem have special needs - a special need to be smacked. But anyways.) There are some really old pictures (15-20 years old) of the kids in the school, propped up on the walls near the entrance. Some of which are vaguely familiar... Look at this nerd. My younger sister now goes to that school. Last week she was looking in the mirror before she left for school and she said: "Oh my God! don't tell me this is going to a bad scarf day." (yes, the other, more Muslimized version of a bad hair day.) She's mean, too. We'll be somewhere and then she'll give me this dirty look. And I'll be like "umm what's your problem?" and she'll say "why is your scarf so messed up?" Then I look in the mirror and it looks normal to me. :( Time is an interesting thing.


Squeeky said...

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

haha I love your entries. It's like a yearbook. And I absolutely hate "bad scarf days" ... affects my day :S

Reviviscence said...

Bad scarf day ... LOl .... I just had a reaallly bad scarf day ... spent all of saturday at square1 ... so towards the end ... had shopping bags in my hand .. ice cream in th other hand ... choc. melting down .. n my scarf .... grrrr ....

on another note ... which school is that ???

Anonymous said...

Hahah. I love that picture, even though I don't think I was in it. I vaguely remember joining JK late, or I was in the picture but I had so much hair in my face you couldn't recognize me.

Thanks for the DVDs back, btw. Look forward to seeing you on the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Asmaa, the good old days...
I remember your cute little sister, she was in ISNA too, wasn't she? How old is she now, 14? Yeah I always have bad scarf days nowadays but I dont care anymore...

I wish I could avow my name but I really dont want to, you'll probably think I'm weird or something.

P.S: I just discovered this blog and its you, Asmaa...I couldn't believe it! I'm always gonna come here.

Asmaa said...

Squeeky, so you have bad scarf days too, eh? Very interesting.

Dil, what is up with people and bad scarf days? Just put your scarf on in the morning, make sure your hair isn't showing, and you're good.

Sara, yeah man, you weren't in the pictures for some reason. I have that much hair in my face, too. That style was in. Yeah, uh, this weekend...yikes.

Anon, I read that comment and I was really wondering who you were. And then I found out it was you, Nusaybah (my younger sister). And then it all made sense. Who else would say your "cute little sister." Loser. You shouldn't have told me though, because I would have kept on wondering.

Anonymous said...

You gotta love the little sibs...always there to point out your worst moments :) Yeah my sister talks about bad scarf days too and I'm like what? I've never had a bad scarf day...she gives me a look of disdain and mutters something under her breath that vaguely sounds like...everyday is a bad scarf day for you. Menh.

Umar said...

1) why are all the girls w/o hijab sitting and all the ones with a scarf standing?

2) everyone in that school has special needs, and you went to that school, therefore...

Asmaa said...

Anon, ahh...siblings - the good, the bad and the ugly. Alhamdulillah for my siblings though; they make me laugh. My older siblings used to pick on me, and now my younger ones pick on me :( It never stops.

1) the younger ones generally didn't wear hijab.
2) oh, how intelligent you are to have come to that brilliant conclusion. Quick, someone give this guy a medal.

'liya said...

Aww, what a cute picture! I like your reason for volunteering :D

Most of my cousins went to Isna for a few years but they all hated it..


Anonymous said...

awww, asmaa you look so cute in that pic. whatever happened :S

Asmaa said...

Aaliya, isn't that why anyone volunteers at schools? ;) Yeah, ISNA is a pretty interesting place to do some field research.

Hajera, other that the fact that you're a loser, that's what I ask myself every day.