Friday, August 20, 2010

Marriage proposals that make you want to run away into the wilderness and live your life as a hermit and part-time beaver

A girl my age must be in want of a husband, right?

BUT it always strikes me as odd when people try to hook me up with the most random and clearly incompatible guys. Guys who are 8-10 years older than me, possibly divorced, sometimes with one or more children already, fobs (but not even Arab fobs which at least would be somewhat understandable! - sometimes Bengali, Indian fobs).

What on earth would make you think that a 24 year old Egyptian semi-professional (I say semi, because I am still unemployed) female would want to marry a 30-something Indian divorced male with a kid, who only came to Canada a few years ago?

People are absolutely WHACK. I don't know how else to say it.

So I say with utmost appreciation for your gallant efforts: stop trying to hook me up, because your attempts are just sad and scary.


Anonymous said...

Interesting post. Would u say the same thing if somehow u saw that 30 yr old fob on ur own and somehow took a fancy for him? Never say never. its only bc u dont know these guys that u think u wouldnt consider them. But the heart and naseeb are unpredictable realities.

Irshad Mijundi said...

I am such fob as you say. I have little boy only tow yers. I have job in India but now in cnada for 3 mo. Why did you say u will never marri someone like me. I am good brother. U may like me becase I am tall and have good long beard.

sara said...

Hahahahaha! Whack is the best way to describe it!

Asmaa said...

Anon, I don't just "take fancy" to people if I see them. Sure, Allah is the best of planners, but am I wrong to say that people have hooked me up with VERY incompatible people? No, I'm not wrong because I'm not predicting the future; I'm reporting on the past.

Irshad, in your dreams.

Sara, at least someone appreciates this, THANKS

Anonymous said...

I can hook you up with another Egyptian fob i know from work with no kids.. but his only take is that he is about 36 years old. what you saying??

Older guys are priceless.. you wish to go with an older guys.. you don't know what you missing. my fazer was divorced with one kid and came to Canada and married my mazer which is almost 14 years younger than him and we are a very happy family of six kids. 4 girls and 2 boys.

and yes.. happy belated Ramadan!!

Asmaa said...

LOL. Thanks for the reality check "anonymous." WHAT YOU SAYING??

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You are quite amzingly funny. How about a white boy no marriage, no kids? you NEED to meet my son. Hes not so funny as you but he is a good boy.

Asmaa said...

Haha Doreen, I'm afraid "white boy" usually falls into my "WHACK" category, but I'm sure he's a lovely boy nonetheless :P