I read this poem and it made me smile. Yep, the Khadijah style :D
I love maryam
by: Olivia
Remember back at purdue,
during the summer of 2003.
It was there I saw you that day,
casually strolling down the street.
“Who’s that brother?!” I thought inside,
as my heart began to speed,
“SubhanAllah it’s like I’m seeing,
a sahabi walking down the street!”
I kept cool and lowered my gaze,
as you walked right on by.
Your beard swished in the sunlight,
“it’s so long”, I felt my heart sigh…
“Would I ever see him again?” I wondered,
he seemed like the guy of my dreams.
Guess I’ll go on with life for now,
make dua to be given the means.
But I couldn’t forget about you,
so I would tell all of my friends.
I talked about you constantly,
kept babbling on without end.
“Liv,” one friend advised,
“you know, some people might overhear.”
“We’ll have to give him a codename,
in case we’re heard by other ears.”
So it was decided you’d be Mariyam,
the “sister” I liked so much.
Who knew she was so wonderful,
and that I’d have such a crush.
But, alas, our paths kept crossing!
It seemed like more than coincidence.
Even now I feel myself smile,
as I recall each incident.
There was the time outside the lab,
when I almost ran into you!
It was there I always saw you,
wondering if you saw me too.
One time I printed something,
and the paper had my user ID.
In big black letters “okompier”,
all you’d need to email me.
An idea flew to mind,
there was a trash can within your reach.
“I’ll just place it right on top,” I thought,
“make it innocent and discreet.”
But I guess you never saw it,
and my hopes began to fade.
How can this ever work?
I don’t even know his name.
Then there was that time I went,
to Blue Nile for something to eat.
But since all the tables were full,
I went for desi food across the street.
I was about to start my lunch,
but my friend’s eyes grew wide.
“Liv!” she gasped breathlessly,
“you won’t believe who just came inside!”
There you were at the buffet,
so I tried to take a peek.
But you caught me looking at you!
I felt my stomach growing weak.
I stared blankly ahead,
too nervous to take a bite.
“Liv, he’s sitting right behind you!”
My head was feeling light.
These are some of many stories,
that prove the Qadr of our Lord.
But let’s skip to the climax,
before our readers get too bored.
I was doing MSA stuff,
with some sisters I hadn’t told.
They were talking about Sarosh,
whose identity I didn’t know.
“I don’t know him.”
“Sure you do!” one said.
“I’m sure you’ve seem him around.
He’s tall, rolls up his pants,
his beard nearly hangs to the ground!”
Sarosh! That was his name!
I found the key to unlock the gate!
All my duas had now been answered!
Oh Allah, what a beautiful fate!
I searched you on the directory,
your email was in my hands.
Now was the moment of courage,
but even fear couldn’t foil my plans.
I began to type the email,
“Asalaamu alaikum brother,” was the start.
“You may have seen me around,” I continued,
barely controlling my racing heart.
“I’m doing this Khadija style,” I wrote,
trying to make a show of confidence.
Don’t muslim guys tend to balk,
at female-initiated correspondence?
But you confessed you were interested too,
and that marriage was on your mind.
So from there our adventure began,
and a nikkah would be our bind.
We made dua for each other,
and Allah brought us together.
Mariyam, you’ve got my heart,
inshAllah, now and forever.