This little kid held on to his dad while he was in prayer, and just wouldn't let go!
And, instead of putting his hands on his chest, the father put them back to hold his son because he didn't want the child to fall.
"When he (the prophet) finished his prayer, some of the companions said, 'You lengthened your bow? 'Then the prophet (peace be upon him) answered, 'My grandson rode my back and I hate hastening him'."
Assalam Alaikm wr wb
awww mashAllah! :) coo0lin to the sight! 'Eid mubaruk
Ma sha' Allah, that's a beautiful sight.
This is FANTASTIC! Good timing and good commentary, masha' Allah.
That is TOO cute!!! Aww :)
Eid Mubarak! and Happy New Years! Thats a cool pic, my little cousins have done that to me too. Though they usually got off whenever I was in a standing position.
Assalaamu Alaikum :)
hehe so cute ... I can't believe you took pics of that. I had a kid do that to me once at a wedding. It was ... scary haha I think he thought I was his mother.
awww dude...that's so cute mashaAllah
now that's some real sunnah in action. subhanallah. hope you had a wonderful eid =)
p.s.: i'm not always so jaded.
Beautiful. and the kid looks like he's really enjoying it too.
that's so adorable.
That is exceptionally cute.
I've had my nephews crawl on top of me during salaah before, but I've never seen a child hanging on while the person praying is standing! That's amazing, and heartwarming in it's adherence to sunnah.
This makes up for this disturbing story.
as salaamu 'alaikum,
hahaha, that was definitely awesome...subhan Allah, that brother was practicing upon a sunnah without even consciously knowing it...probably. lol
well, a late EID mubarak to you.
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