Saturday, June 18, 2005

Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street?

There has been a recent surge of emails and articles written about a Somalian girl who apparently turned into a rat because she was disrespecting the Qur'an. So I received one of these emails, which was rather humourous (it included a picture of the "morphed" girl). Needless to say, I had a chuckle, ignored the email, and went on with my life. The next day, a girl that had received the article replied to all the recepients of the original email...I began to read the words that she had written in response to this ridiculous forward: "You need to have your facts straight" (at this point, I felt glad that I wasn't the only person to think it was ridiculous). BUT then I continued reading the email... "You need to have your facts straight, and you need to read the article, the girl is not a Somali girl but an Arab. It happened in Cuman. Next time send reliable information sister." "Oh. Those darn A-rabs. I'm gonna get me ma' gun..."


elysium said...

this reminds me of the time when there was an email forward printout ( one of her friends got the son to print out the email ) that my mother handed to me about how you HAVE to tell to 10 people on prophet being shown in someone's dream ( original email writer, i guess -- who got it from someone else ) or we will all burn in eternal hellfire.

Then i told her the concept of a chain mail. and related it to how stupidity refers to more stupidity..

She hasn't brought it back up again.. but I do often see the same when passing on a 'story' of a 'hadith' .. :)

elysium said...

Oh and the other story of some girl's face turning into a pig in south africa for going clubbing.

and the other story of the boy who watched too much tv and his grave was vapourizing smoke after he died..

and the one about the blog writer who went to hell for mocking such stories ( coming soon to another blog near you?? ) heh.

Asmaa said...

Everyone, visit my blog 5 times a day, after each prayer. Or else a goat will come live under your bed for 3 years.

And then you will die. (death by goat-bite).

Patrick J. Fitzgerald said...


Nauman said...

You and your perverse fascination with goats and sheeps...

American Muslim 1983 said...

Subhanallah, funny stuff. I can't believe some people fall for those types of emails.

Asi said...

lol! I hate emails like that... along with that u get text messages that go round saying pray this and u will be guaranteed good luck within the next week. puh-leaze!

thanks for visiting my blog.

Anonymous said...

salaam :-D yea i heard this story a few yrs bak.. someone probz decided to go thru their century old emails

Squeeky said...

Assalaamu Alaikum :D

haha I've never heard of that! I'm kinda scared to see the pic that they provided :S anyhoo hahah Elysium has heard many stories it seems

Anonymous said...

The pic is actually a LIFE-LIKE sculpture done by an artist. I must say.. it looks VERY VERY real, so I can see why people fell for it.

HOWEVER.. please note that Allaah is SEVERE in punishment and He punishes JUSTLY and He is able to do all things. So let's not just laugh it off. It could seriously happen.