Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Report

We had over 200 people show up to the dinner, which was a pretty good turnout. Okay, it wasn't too bad being one of the MCs. The other MC made it all too easy since he was making the corniest jokes know, like the "MSA" standing for the "Matrimonial Students' Association" and fob jokes. So all I had to do was make fun of him and the crowd enjoyed it (since they agreed with me). And yes, I took the opportunity to make fun of as many people as possible. Hey, the food wasn't too bad either...which is always a plus. I have to admit though, I was holding my bouncy ball in my hand the entire time; it really helped relieve the stress. In other news...It's October.


Anonymous said...

i want a bouncing ball too now :o .. and a certain signed hat :p

elysium said...

Oh so THAT's where I have to be to get a picture of a bouncing ball? hmm :)

Good to hear it all went well.

Anonymous said...

wer u at :-/

Anonymous said...

Got any aunties calling up after the dinner?
u kno wat I'm saying ;)

Anonymous said...

Did Nusaybah tell you that I called? Because I have a cell now, which is the lamest thing that I've ever bought on a whim, but I will have to live with the consequences.

Anonymous said...

Plus, I'm pretty proud of you for the MC thing.

It takes guts.

Asmaa said...

Brotherhood, dollar store.

Elysium, it is where you have to be. Too bad you missed out. Sucks to be you.

h, only a couple ;)

Hajera, thanks...although you probably harbour feelings of ill-will towards my "Co-MC" for revealing your hidden love for clip-art.

Sara, thanks man...I do have guts. Somewhere...
Sara! I can't believe you bought a cell. Now I'm the only one I know without one. Why must you leave me alone in this world?

Anonymous said...

You did good, girl, you did good. ;-)