Sunday, October 08, 2006

Thinging of that Think.

I am writing this to reach out to you many bloggers on something that has been troubling me for some time. It is extremely troubling that I have come to the realization that I no longer know how to spell. Now, all you English-lovers/Majors out there that know me may be thinking to yourself right now "and yeah, how is that any different from before you travelled?" But seriously, I'm forgetting how to spell "the". I'm writing Thing instead of Think, and vice versa. I'm writing without prober grammar or punctuation. Opps Proper. Oh yeah, the letter "P" Exists in the English language. I forgets. How can I cure this? I've taken up reading random novels from my school library in order to keep my language skills alive. Any other suggestions for a language-deficient individual?


'liya said...

When you break your fast, break it with alphabet soup. Sip it slowly and everything should come back to you :P

Asmaa said...

Now, all you English-lovers/Majors out there that know me may be thinking to yourself right now "and yeah, how is that any different from before you travelled?"

Why do I feel that comment is targetted towards me? Haha. The only way to solve this dilemma is to come back to Canada, as soon as possible..

Anonymous said...

Clearly, you're becoming more Arab. Soon, you'll be replacing each P with a B... Pepsi will become Bebsi. ;)

family member said...
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'liya said...

Oh I thought you were Asmaa :S

Nash said...

1. Read a lot, it will come naturally.

2. Pickup a spelling list from the net, check your level and work on it, its can be fun.

Good Luck

Asmaa said...

Haha mar, what about this:
"can I have a coke?"
"uhh..a coke"
"ohhh coocacoola"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Assalamu alaikum Mar,

That sounds all too familiar... It's been how long since I've been back? and I still can't get things straight:P... All is well, give my salams to your hubby (who I met before asmaa:P). Take care inshallah, waiting for your return, fr:)

Anonymous said...

I suggest talking to chimpanzees. This will catalyze reactivation of your spelling memory in the neocortex.

Or at least it will be entertaining.