Saturday, December 09, 2006

Middle Child Syndrome

We went to the mosque today for a lecture on science in the Qur'an. So we arrived - a bit late, obviously.

We parked and everyone was getting out of the car, but since I was sitting in the back, I was the last to be able to exit. Alas, before I could exit, my sister swung the door shut and my dad promptly locked the car with his automatic remote locking thingy. They forgot I was in the car. The funny thing is that my sister turned around after a while, bewildered, and said "hey, where's Asmaa?"

This is what happens when you're the middle child.


MTR said...


i don't think it's middle child syndrome. you're just slow :)

Squeeky said...

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

Oh, how I can relate to this post :(

I have had the door shut and locked on me sooo many times ... I understand Asmaa, I understand!!

'liya said...

Okay I feel mean, but I'm usually the first one out of the van (I'm the eldest) and I usually like to close the door on either of my two sisters ON PURPOSE.


Anonymous said...

I think it is maybe the middle child syndrome, but as MTR has suggested, it may also be that you're slow. I'm the eldest sibling and I have often gotten locked in the car...

I tell myself it is because I am slow...

Anonymous said...

I've never had that happen to me. Being the eldest child, I tend to be important to my family... my brother, on the other hand, has had the door locked on him... :)

Anonymous said...

Salam Asmaa,

It's been a long time since I've visited your site, what's with all the posts on marriage :S... Anyhow, I'm a middle child as well, but that never happens to me :P... All is well. Hope exam season goes well, when shall I see you next? Tuesday nights at are over! Khair, take care for now, fr:)

Anonymous said...

No, I completely agree. These things really do happen to you [at least more often] when u are...the middle child. dun dun dunnnnnnnnn.