Monday, February 26, 2007

Little humour left in this randomly placed mind

So it's come to this: my last 1.5 months of university (inshaAllah!). The last research papers, tests, annoying attendance marks, skipping class, and sleeping at the library.

I was looking at the picture on my student card and I thought - wow, I looked really innocent four years ago. You know, the typical right-out-of-highschool-and-doesn't-quite-know-what-she's-getting-into girl. Now I look in the mirror and see the cynical person who has learned the inhumane things people are capable of. And sometimes I wish I just didn't know.

To celebrate my new-found cynical and pessimistic outlook, I think someone should buy me ice cream. And hey, when I am done school I'll throw a big party (read: when I'm done school, I'll plan to throw a party, but never actually get around to it. Thanks U of T for teaching me the art of procrastination).


Anonymous said...

oh c'mon asmaa, it wasn't that bad! surely, hamdi's and momo's, ice cream at baskin robins, hot chocolate at second cup, debilitated snowmen, taking turns ranting against fools in school and all that other lovely stuff made it all worth it, no?

and if it didn't, the fact that u discovered moi at university must've been the height of joy :D

Yusuf said...


Considering you still have the same student card you started with, you were unable to learn the art of organization in your 4 or so years at Univerity.

Anonymous said...


I'm reading blogs today for the first time. I'm not into computer stuff, as I keep saying, but I'm even less enthusiastic about writing papers...which is what I'm trying to do at the moment. Got distracted when I checked out Asma's (my sister)blog, and then saw your blog and some others listed on her page so I decided to check 'em out. Asmaa, congrats on making it outta university in 4 years. I'm dragging thru this last semester and wondering why I applied to come back for another year. My advice to you: run far far away..and don't look back.

Asmaa said...

Haj, all that stuff wasn't school-related, which is why it was fun :) And me discovering you was definitely the highlight of my LIFE.

Mars, oh shush. Yeah, I really am a sucker for free food. Actually we never did have that pot-luck that we talked know the meat one. Haha.

Yusuf, you mean I didn't learn the art of "disorganization"? :) I almost lost it several times, but I was careful. I'm only careless about the things that mean nothing to me. Plus, it was a good picture and that's hard to come by!

Khalidah, Asma has a blog? I didn't know! Gotta check that out. Don't worry, reading my blog is always a good distraction from using your intellect ;)

Anonymous said...

cheer up

Asmaa said...

Anon, I'm not depressed. Cynicism and depression are not one and the same ;)

Anonymous said...

I should throw you a party, with all the other fools graduating this year.

Asma Maryam Ali said...

I will buy you ice cream, isA.