Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Interesting Conversation at 7:38 a.m.

So I'm waiting for the bus this morning.... Random guy: "So you're arab right? Syrian? Palestinan?" Me: "No." Random guy: "Egyptian?" Me: "Yeah.. where you from?" [ok u know when someone asks, you have to ask in return] Random guy: "I'm from Bakistan" Me: "Oh Bakistan" (it just felt so natural to say it with a B) *Moment of silence* guy: "Cos you're fair...You must be born here. Usually people that are born back home are darker" Me: "uhhh not necessarily" guy: "So you go to highschool?" Me: "No, I'm a teacher" guy: "Highschool?" Me: "No, elementary." He then continues talking about a friend of his who is also an elementary teacher. [Who cares what her name is, what grades she teaches, or on what intersection her school is located?!] People, this is Toronto, the norm is to look away. Occasionally you may say "good morning," ask about the time or comment on the weather. But let's not talk to each other please...especially about skin colour or Bakistan.


Anonymous said...

This smacks of Mars:

"But let's not talk to each other please."

Or better yet, let's smack Mars.

Nauman said...

Did you ever watch the movie "Hostage" starring Bruce Willis? It went straight-to-video though it wasn't a bad movie. The main bad-guy's character was named Mars... he was evil... so are you Mariam... all the poor Bakistani guy wanted to do was talk... but no... you don't want anything to do with that... Mars... evil.
(this post was said in jest)

Stylus Virus said...

Assalamu aleikum,
guy: "Cos you're fair...You must be born here. Usually people that are born back home are darker"

hahahahahahahahah! what a strange and random comment. Are you sure he wasn't assaying you for future presentation to some Aunties? ;)

Life lesson learnt: Next time, when asked where you're from by a guy, don't ask back :)

Anonymous said...

I think the Olde Woman is right on the money. Anytime a bakistani guy starts saying things out loud about your skin colour and asking if you're a student [to guess at your approximate age] and trying to get you to admit your citizenship [vayr u born?] he's storing you away in his database of people he will tell his auntie/grandmother to stalk relentlessly.

Remember, nearly every baki guy's *mom* [usually] socializes [*programmes*] him to think as follows:

white + American/Canadian/British citizenship + young = marriage material

Some baki boys break free of the programming--but many stay comfortably entrenched in it. I would advise not talking to baki boys at all--especially if they look poor =)

Anonymous said...

Hahahaahaha ... Asmaa was the victim of an attempted 'chopping'. :) Did the guy mean to say "Pakistani"? Or is Bakistan a real place? I'm confused about that.

Asmaa said...

poor cmood. First of all, my sister "Mars" posted this. I usually don't get the "where are you from" question unless I'm in a convenience store. Or at an ethnic restaurant. Or on the subway. Or on the street. Okay, so I do.

Yes, Bakistan is a real place >:)

Anonymous said...

I met a guy on a bus one day whose nametag read "Ahmad al-Bakistani". It was weird; if he was actually Pakistani, why would his name be written with a B? South Asians can pronounce P fine; usually, only Arabs can't pronounce P's. But if he was Arab, why would his name be "al-Bakistani"?


Nauman said...

True, you never did deny your evilness... touché. :)

Squeeky said...

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

haha ... You're Egyptian?!

Anyways, I also get extremely annoyed when I get random strangers asking me about my family history. Sometimes I think I should just place a sticker on my hijab giving a brief description of myself. Just be thankful that he didn't ask you to marry him on the spot *bad memories*

Pakistani84 said...

Hahahahaha :) Ironic pakistani84 is here... you couldn't even give the guy a chance... could you :P

NO i was not the RANDOM GUY...

Not all Pakistani guys are programed that way... All are very nice they just seem to try a little to hard sometimes...

So yea stay away from BAKISTNAI guys... and Pakistani guys Pakistani girls are a LOT better... Please stick with them... at least for your first wife... after that you are free to explore... but remember the first one is a KEEPER