Thursday, June 01, 2006


Since Squeeky hasn't updated her blog for a while, I am dedicating this post to her. Rafia, you're awesome...hehehe Assalaamu alaikum :) I tried to make cookies today because I saw that there were chocolate chips in the cupboard and figured they wouldn't last for very long. I took advantage of the situation by using them in my little concoction here. I used the recipe on the back of the package but it said 1 cup of butter. And like, that's too much, so I made it half a cup. Here's the batter when I poured the chocolate chips in (awwww!): While I was pouring the chocolate chips in the batter, I came upon this motherload chunk of amalgamated chocolate chips, which was pretty cool: It was all fun and games until I put the cookies in the oven. At which point they had a secret meeting were they decided to form a union in protest of being mere cookies, and become a cake (which really was unfortunate): To remedy this, I tried to break them apart with a spatula: And it worked...for the most part. But having a forcefully-broken-into-a-square cookie instead of a plain ol' round one just isn't the same :( But no worries, *InshaAllah* next time they will turn out to be better. I will crush their union into smithereens! *ahem* Wassalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu :D (Happy *early* birthday, Rafia)


Anonymous said...

you know how yummmy that loooks..
* drooooooling *
you should of melted the big mama of chocolate chips, oh wow thats even sounds more yummmmy.
well its my bedtime,
and i sure do know what im going to be dreaming about.

Reviviscence said...

asmaa darling ... I know u're bringing those 2morrow to Rizq mgt with my bouncy ball :P
I will b loooking for a girl with cookies ... hint hint .. U

Anonymous said...

Wah! Wah! u got the cooking all set, now you make your mother in law vary vary happy. Next time we want recipe for biryani

Anonymous said...

LOL! this does look like a post from Rafia, you've even got the 'Awwww' nailed down :D
I've been wondering if Rafia's the 'awww nicey type' or maybe deep inside lies something really dark :P

N how come only Mars and Nusaybah post comments and not your Ryerson sis (maybe she does not have too much type to waste er... utilize ;)

Anonymous said...

my peanut butter cookies are better. no contest. they stick to the roof of the mouth. they invade the spaces between the teeth. and they increase the size of the, um, arteries. mmmmm.

Squeeky said...

Assalaamu Alaikum :D


Asmaa, you're a sweetheart masha'Allah, thank you, this was a lovely gift hehe

I wish I could try those cookies, I think it would be awesome with some milk *drool*

Thanks again :)

coco jumbo said...

those cookies seem delicious.

Anonymous said...

The cookies look really good!

Anonymous said...

umm ... rather, decrease the size of arteries

Anonymous said...

umm ... rather, decrease the size i.e. diameter, of arteries

Anonymous said...