Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hey, Lettuce tastes good, too!

Since December 31st I've been on a no-junk food life adjustment. Not a diet. So anyways, I told myself that I wouldn't have any junk food for 6 weeks and I'd drink 2 litres of water a day. A lot of people have been after me, asking why I was doing this. Which is why I tried to avoid telling people at all. Think about it, I was given this body as a trust and any trust should be taken care of properly. So far, I've been pretty successful but some of the results have not been pretty. Like, me chewing violently on my sweater while watching Barefoot Contessa on the Food Network making something chocolately with 10 cups of butter in it. Or, having to pee really badly in the middle of a test I was writing, on account of drinking a heck of a lot of water right before. In all seriousness, it has been an excellent implementation of will power, I didn't think I could do it, but I did (2 more days to go). I gave up something that I really loved and I didn't falter, mostly. Alhamdulillah. In any case, this Friday is the last day, so I'm in the process of planning what I should eat on Saturday. If you have any suggestions, let me know. (Suggestions should be anything comprised of or covered in chocolate.)


Anonymous said...

Well, you should be proud of yourself. How many liters of water does the average person drink per day?

How about barbeque chips sauteed with butter; therafter drizzled with pure thick chocolate sauce.


Anonymous said...

That's the Asmaa i was waiting for. Girl you disappointed me earlier, may Allah(swt) give you the means to fulfill yourself for those days you have deprived yourself of chocolate. ameen.

Suggestions: You disgust me, who ever needs suggestions whenever food is involved? You are losing your touch, it's the loss of chocolate in your system babe.

Nauman said...

Mashallah, tests of will power can be very rewarding...

I suggest nutella.

Asmaa said...

Ms. H, you're a maniac. It would be better if you said a chocolate bar sauteed with butter and drizzled with chocolate sauce. Feeling drunk yet?

Anon, haha :D ameen to your dua. I'm very sorry to disappoint you, it may be true that I'm losing my touch, but what can I do?

Nauman, Nutella is an interesting suggestion. I've been wondering what the right pronunciation of it is. I've heard "New-tella" but I say "Nut-ella". This has been bothering me for some time now.

Umar said...

can you explain to me just where exactly the title "Barefoot Contessa" came from?
I've never seen the show in it's entirety, but it REALLY ticks me off everytime I see the title.... like, her name is NOT Contessa, and she doesn't do the show with barefeet.


Asmaa said...

Dear foolish boy,

Firstly, don't mess with her or her show, it's the only thing on TV worth watching.

Contessa means "an Italian countess". So, I've come to a conclusion about what "barefoot contessa" refers to: she's always in the kitchen - that's basically her life, so we'll just assume that she's at home in her kitchen, barefoot (cooking for her husband - she does). But at the same time, she's also a very intelligent and sophisticated Italian...countess!

So there!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on pulling this off! Everyone should try this sort of thing occasionally.

How about chocolate fondue? I'm sure you could find something suitably decadent to dip in it.

BTW, lettuce has pretty much no nutritional value. Well, except for the water. Next time, try other greens.

Asmaa said...

bob, thanks :) Lettuce = water. That's fine by me, as long as I'm not stuffing my face with chips (which, by the way, do not equal water).