Friday, February 24, 2006


Hi. This was me for the past three days. (okay, slightly less cute than her. It's metaphorical!)


Pakistani84 said...

AWWW thats soooooo cute

'liya said...

Awww :D
Someone needs to sleep earlier lol.

Maria I said...

and how many times did you fall? :D *chuckles*

Squeeky said...

Assalaamu Alaikum :D

Aww that child is pooped out!
It's how I feel right now ... I must get myself to a shelf

Anonymous said...

Nice blog,
I have seen your other site & word of the day. This makes me wonder about something I have personally been through What if everything is just in your head and nothings true

Anonymous said...

pooped out?
is that the best word an Eng Lit major could come up with? ;)

Elizabeth said...

Hee. Reminds me of my daughter, when she was two--I went to take a bath, and she was chatty as always, coming in, going out, talking to me. Then I didn't hear or see her anymore. When I came out of the bathroom, she was standing up, back to the couch, and leaning backwards on it, asleep!

Umar said...

"I want to fade out gracefully, but you keep keeping me alive to face another day. Can't you see I'm through?"

Does this have anything to do with yesterday's suicidal tendencies?


Squeeky said...

Oh My Goodness, I have a blog stalker *screams*

Asmaa said...

Pakistani84, thank you for your thought-provoking and intriguing comment.

Aaliya, I've been sleeping early recently, but I don't really like it. I like pretending to be nocturnal.

Maria, a few times actually. I fell asleep during the Jumuah Khutbah yesterday :S

Mickey, thanks :) What if everything is just in your head and nothing's true...that is the exact thought that is continuously running through my head.

Ajnabi, psht, leave Squeeky alone. Pooped out is a fine expression!

Elizabeth, hehe kids can be really cute that way. Except when they wake up, that all ends.

Umar, err I have no idea what you're talking about! Blasphemy!

Squeeky, you'd better watch your back ;)

Stylus Virus said...

Asmaa expects me to post substantial comments.
How, one may ponder, am I to give a substantial comment on something like this?
And why, one may ask, should I comment on her un-substantiated posts when she scorns to comment on any of mine?

Because, one may notice, I just did.

Get some rest, asm. Then go get published.

Asmaa said...

Olde, I expect you to post substantial comments because you're a substantial kind of person who can...well, find substance in anything. Plus, you experienced my fatigue first hand :)

I'll get published if Allah (swt) wills. (I know, tie the camel, and then rely on Allah :D)

Pakistani84 said...

Only if your blog was thought-provoking and intriguing...then maybe i could do the same but with the material you give me sorry i can't do much :P

Asmaa said...

Ali, I'll have you know that my blog IS thought-provoking. Perhaps it provokes unpleasant thoughts, but so what?!