Friday, March 24, 2006

Haj, for you

A poem I wrote about a friend of mine, at her request. And, the loving person that I am, I decided to oblige her. "Asmaaaaaa can I ask you for a favour..." With the same hands I've rolled and kneaded bread I've waved at my friend from afar and her face lit up though her night was long and overflowing with work on genes her mind, though hidden, writes itself on sheets of paper handed in on time or late to professors who mistake her for another girl as always. The swish of her abaya makes me wonder if I should convert to abaya-dom and her swift remarks on the issues of the day are scathing and yet I laugh and wave. Too much work and not enough play makes Hajera a psychotic nutcase.


Nauman said...

Interesting poem...

Visit my newest blog: Acoustic Sleep

Asmaa said...

gee Nauman, thanks a bunch for the ad. (I needs to be paid for that.)

Squeeky said...

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

Why don't any of my friends write me poems? :(

It was so nice to finally meet you! Surprising and amusing all at the same time. I knew my sweater would make me proud!

*goes into high squeals*

Stylus Virus said...

hajface is awesome. hang in there, girl, inshaAllah you'll do fabulous in your last assignments/presentations/exams; and whatever you're applying to, if it's good for you to get in, inshaAllah you will : )

As for Asmaa; well what is there to say? her name itself is simply a polymorphous "awesome" ;)

(and *ahem*, I am NOT brownnosing to have a poem written about me. in fact, if asm were to do so, I would deprive her of cookies henceforth).

Asmaa said...

Squeeky, that was definitely an interesting experience :D

Hajera, says the woman who printed out the poem and pasted it up on her bedroom wall.

Olde, man, only *I* use the term "Hajface"!! This is unacceptable. Okay, I won't write a poem about you for two reasons: a) you're too complex to be defined by words and b) I want cookies.

Anonymous said...

u mean kneaded ?

and wouldn't u knead *dough* and not bread ??

Asmaa said...

anon, gaaah! stoopid spell check. Thanks for pointing that out. Technically you could knead bread...I'm sure it's possible :S

Hey, poetic license!

Anonymous said...

hey ur nice !
i like you ! :-D
some people are too stuck-up to accept their mistakes ... not that you actually did -- you blamed spell check !!
but still, i like you !
(same person with the dough comment)

Asmaa said...

Anon, I'm glad you like me :D

Oh, when I make a mistake, I can admit it - I like to laugh at myself. It's actually my favourite pastime. Hehehe