Thursday, March 16, 2006


I was cooking today - yes, cooking. Happily chopping away at the onions (I love cutting onions) and burning them in the pot (I love burnt onions). Then my older sister came along and just hovered around in the kitchen to make sure I didn't burn anything. It was annoying. Here I am, trying to add ketchup to the pot, with my sister yelling at me: "add more water, add more salt, I don't like the way you're mixing the pot's contents, I don't like the shirt that you're wearing" etc. Then I tried to bribe my younger sister to make me muffins, but she didn't. Which was sad. In other news, I just wrote a poem. In other other news, I've officially stopped listening to music. Even Indian music. (Yeah man, soundtracks from Lagaan.) In other other other news, I don't know, I just wanted to type "other" three times.


Cookie said...


Ditto with my elder sister! She won't let you cook in peace. Everyone in the house will know if I accidentally add too much salt or add too many spices or if I try to do something different!

And younger sisters...Well, if you ask me, they're the laziest in the house!Come up with all the execuses in the world if they don't want to do something!

As for giving up music: Happy to hear that:D:D:D
Been advising many of me friends and cousins to frop it too. Jannat(with all the ice-cream and cookies and out-of-the-world things!)is worth all the music!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Random u're in a jolly mood, good to see that! Not related to some sugar rush is it?

And cookie:
Jannat(with all the ice-cream and cookies and out-of-the-world things!)is worth all the music!!

Jannat?! which indian movie is that, with shah rukh?! lol :P

AP said...

Onion chopping can turn into potential tantric activity. One time in jamat someone preparing lunch told me to chop a few onions. So I started and kept on chopping and chopping ... till he looked my way and said, 'WTH?! I said chop a few, not 5 lbs!'

I hadn't even realized and it was all I could do to stop.

Umar said...

see? i told you you could will yourself to stop listening to music.

Asmaa said...

cookie, thanks for the encouragement. My sentiments exactly :)

Honey, I'm always in a jolly mood - even when I'm not. Don't you know me at all?! :D It has nothing to do with a sugar rush - it's a permanent insanity rush.

AP, oh, that's just because you're nuts.

Umar, yeah, thank you :)