Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Mashed potatoes

I'm upstairs working on an assignment and my sister is downstairs. This conversation happens on MSN: Sum says: do u want mashed potatoes Sum says: it's really soft and yummy asmaa says: bring some to me Sum says: should i drench it with oil Sum says: and salt Sum says: and butter Sum says: and tahina asmaa says: yeah, don't forget lard asmaa says: but make sure it's kosher Sum says: i thought of that but it's haram asmaa says: not kosher lard Sum says: lard can't be kosher u ninny In any case, she brought me some mashed potatoes but they didn't have enough salt. What's the point? Now I have to go downstairs and get salt.


Anonymous said...

hey that was private, you ninny!

Asmaa said...

Nothing is private on the internet anymore. Get me some salt!

Anonymous said...

Hey! That's my kosher lard joke!!!

"Y'know that Sun and Moon restaurant? Everything's halal except for the PORK!"

I still think it's hilarious.

AP said...

When we have to instantly communicate in the home amongst siblings, we take the low-tech route. We yell on the top of our lungs, and if the other person didn't hear us properly the first time, we include expletives in our repeated message.

btw, I've always been curious, why the 2 'a's in your name? Why not just Asma? Imagine all the efforts it would've saved over the years.

Umar said...

Linguistically speaking, the Arabic way of writing "Asmaa" includes an alif at the end.

If you transliterate it, you'd either use an a with a line on top to denote a long vowel, or you can just use two a's... which is definetly simpler.

(Wow... my Arabic class is beginning to pay off)

Asmaa said...

Sara, man every time we drove past that restaurant we'd say that. Even after it was converted into a Pizza Pizza :D But come on, the whole kosher lard thing is totally mine.

AP, yeah we usually communicate that way. It's not very good especially when one is on an important phone call. But I was talking to "sum" who is the good one of the family. You know those ones.

Umar, actually, there's a hamzah at the end, not an alif. The Indo-Pak version would be said like this: Ussma vs. the Arab way: Essmaaa (elongated A sound at the end).

I've now started telling people my name in the Indo-Pak pronunciation because they just don't get it when I say it the Arab way.

Umar said...


Squeeky said...

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

haha that is so cute. I've heard so many times that siblings in the house will have more conversations on msn than in person! So far, it hasn't happened here yet, and it couldn't anyway, my brother keeps me on block :(

Anyways, I'll send some salt, pronto!

Umar said...

I was just about to make mashed potatoes right now.

Then I had deja vu about making mashed potatoes.

Then I had deja vu about having deja vu about making mashed potatoes.

Asmaa said...

Squeeky, yeah my siblings are also blocked on my msn. But I needed something from her, so I had to unblock her >:D and you can never have enough salt!

Bro, I told you it wasn't a paper bag! It was a crepe :P

Umar, deja vu's rock. You can never tell when they end though. A mashed potato is a fascinating thing. I recommend lots and lots of hot sauce >:)

Umar said...

I had poutine instead.