Friday, January 27, 2006


Ever notice how if your mom cooks something it tastes great, then when you try to cook the same thing, it tastes weird? Or how if you wake up and she's not at home you feel...empty and disoriented? Or how she knows exactly how late you're going to sleep in every morning so she packs a lunch for you even though you're 20 years old because she is so awesome? I was late once, as usual, and I was running out the door to catch the bus and she handed me a brown paper bag. So, I checked it out on the bus and, well, it was a good mom-ish lunch. It made my day. Alhamdulillah for my mom. Kind of makes me want to get a Mom tattoo on my arm... But then I don't think she'd like that very much :D


Anonymous said...

cmavdaHahaha cute story.

I felt so odd because I hadn't seen my mum in the past three days.

'liya said...

My mom makes my lunch everyday and I'm older than you :D

Stylus Virus said...

assalamu aleikum,

++++++!!!! I can relate to ALL those points. Mommy's are so awesome *cuddles mama*

Which is why you should supplicate (recite dua) for them.

Umar said...

get one of those temporary ones.. the kind you can rub on with some water
or use henna... atleast that's not haram


Asmaa said...

Sara, it's the story of my life :P

Aaliya, lol, you're not a Torontonian though, we're different. You know all the stereotypes: detached, uncaring, etc. No idea.

Olde, yes sheikh, I see what your mom packs you for lunch sometimes. Grr :D

Ahy, yep, no matter how you say it, she's still awesome :)

Umar, hmm never thought of that. Excellent idea!